Law Of f ic e Of
Johnathan a. ferguson
Board Certified City, County
and Local Government Law
• Land Use, Zoning &
siTe PLan aPRoVaLs
• ReaL PRoPeRTY Land Use &
enViRonMenTaL dUe diLigenCe ReVieW
• FedeRaL, sTaTe, RegionaL &
LoCaL goVeRnMenT PeRMiTTing
• goVeRnMenT ConTRaCTing
• LoCaL goVeRnMenT agenCY
• sPeCiaLiZaTions inCLUde:
VaLUe adJUsTMenT BoaRd
Code enFoRCeMenT BoaRd
BoaRd oF adJUsTMenT
2366 S. Brocksmith Road
Fort Pierce, FL 34945
Office 772.465.0729
Cell 772.971.7506
email: fergusonlanduselaw@gmail.com
This publicity photo from the web site of PGAL, one of the architecture firms
for the courthouse, is one of the few of the interior. For security reasons,
federal officials have prohibited photos inside.
Building Name: It will be named for former Florida
Supreme Court Chief Justice Alto Adams Sr.
What federal court is inside: Fort Pierce Division of the
U.S. Southern District of Florida.
Serving: Martin, Indian River, St. Lucie, Okeechobee, and
Highlands counties.
Address: 101 South U.S. 1, Fort Pierce, FL 34950 (southwest
corner of Orange Avenue at South U.S. 1).
Parking: For the public, including handicapped, off-site.
Phone: 772.467.2300. Jury information: option 1.
Within easy walking distance: The restored Mediterranean
style 1926 Arcade Building, on the National Register
for Historic Places and home to a variety of shops and a
Fort Pierce history room; City Hall; old restored City Hall;
City Parking Garage; Clem C. Benton State Office Building;
Fort Pierce City Marina; county library; two parks;
restaurants; retail shops; galleries; a fitness center; offices;
St. Lucie County Courthouse; law-related practices
and services.
Floors: 5; outdoor public garden on north side.
Courtrooms: 2 with room to add more.
Space: 123,400 square feet with 1,900 square feet set
aside for future U.S. Bankruptcy Court offices.
Cost: $42 million.
First requested: By Mayor William Dannahower; 1987.
Groundbreaking: Feb. 2009.
Opened: Dec. 5, 2011.
U.S. Clerk’s office hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to
4:30 a.m. but accepts phone calls until 5 p.m.
Website: www.flsd.uscourts.gov