Read more about the article Digging the history of the  old Army site in Fort Pierce
The site of the original Fort Pierce is just a few blocks south of downtown. St. Lucie County purchased the property, then 229 feet of riverfront and 378 feet deep, in 1966 for $20,000. INDIAN RIVER MAGAZINE

Digging the history of the old Army site in Fort Pierce

When I was 5 years old, my family moved from a house on 13th Street in Fort Pierce to one along the Indian River, just a few blocks south of downtown.

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Read more about the article Future of education may be one of choice for students
During the pandemic students have learned to practice various safety protocols while at school. DIOCESE OF PALM BEACH

Future of education may be one of choice for students

It’s been exactly a year since our way of living was utterly rearranged by the coronavirus pandemic. We are once again seeing a drop in numbers and this time, with the introduction of vaccines, the trend is likely to continue.

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Read more about the article Alliance to help small businesses in a big way
Kathy and David Dow of Dow Decorating have found the Business Accelerator Program classes, part of the partnership between Port St. Lucie and the Florida Small Business Development Center at Indian River State College, very useful as they promote their business during the pandemic. ROB DOWNEY

Alliance to help small businesses in a big way

Anyone familiar with Port St. Lucie commerce knows that the small business community is its heart and soul.

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Read more about the article Good news abounds in troubled times
The Sunrise Theatre has set new safety guidelines and revamped its schedule to cope with the pandemic. SUNRISE THEATRE

Good news abounds in troubled times

To say the past year has been tumultuous for Fort Pierce and the rest of the country would be an understatement. Many of us have endured the loss of loved ones, homes or businesses. But it hasn’t been all bad news, especially for the city and its citizens.

Continue ReadingGood news abounds in troubled times