Indian River Magazine Fall 2024 Issue Advertising Agreement

Questions marked by * are required.
Your Name: *
Your Email: *
Phone Number: *
Business Name:
Business Address:
Fall 2024 issue only advertisement quantity/size:

  • Quarter page- $495
  • Half page - $695
  • Full page - $1,295
Five Issues (Oct., Nov./Dec. 2024, Jan., March and May 2025) advertisement quantity/size (per issue rate):

  • Quarter page- $445
  • Half page - $645
  • Full page - $1,095
Request Placement in a Special Section:

  • Treasure Coast Medical Report
  • Faces of Medicine
  • Ashley Gang: Part 2
  • Leaders of the Treasure Coast
  • Retirement Living
  • Wedding Day
Agreement to advertise in the Fall 2024 issue of Indian River Magazine: I agree to advertise in the quantity checked above and represent that my business will be responsible for payment. I understand that collection fees, attorney fees and interest at 18 percent per annum may accrue for unpaid balances. To cover the added expense for credit card processing fees a 3% handling charge will be added to the final invoice when payment by credit card is chosen. *

  • Agree
  • Disagree
Ad design

  • My business or ad agency will design my ad. Please send me the specifications for sizes
  • I want Indian River Magazine to design my ad for free.

Questions or concerns, call 772.466.3346.

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