Stuart and Vero Beach make the list of Top 10 places to retire in Florida

Every year, thousands of retirees move to Florida with the intentions to spend their days in the sunshine and the sand. You would be surprised to find out that a good place to retire does not solely rely on your distance from the beach or a good golf course.
SmartAsset, a financial website, conducted a study that lands two Treasure Coast cities, Stuart and Vero Beach, on the 10 best places to retire in Florida list. These cities were evaluated in this seventh annual study that considers four criteria, including tax burden, access to medical care and opportunity for recreation and social activity.
Research shows that Stuart has one of the lowest tax burden percentages in the state at 13.6 percent. So, you can afford to tee off more often. You will find that in both cities, the doctor to patient ratio is excellent. That allows for faster access to medical care for all. Vero Beach is listed as a top attraction for the number of exceptional recreational activities and high-quality retirement facilities in the area.
There are certain places that just come out on top within the retirement hotspot, Florida. Some of your best golden year memories can be made in flip flops right here on the Treasure Coast.
Learn more about SmartAsset study at
Sources: US Census Bureau 2019 County Business Patterns (CBP) and ZIP Code Business Patterns (ZBP), Avalara, US Census Bureau 2019 American Community Survey, government websites