Our amazing universe seems close enough to touch when visiting Hallstrom Planetarium in Fort Pierce.
Our amazing universe seems close enough to touch when visiting Hallstrom Planetarium in Fort Pierce. Halstrom PlaneteriumIRSC

Hallstrom Planetarium is local portal to the cosmos


In addition to college classes, the planetarium offers public shows and classes, as well as field trips.
In addition to college classes, the planetarium offers public shows and classes, as well as field trips.

While we’re fortunate to have Kennedy Space Center only a short drive north, a world of beauty and knowledge may be found in our own backyard.

Hallstrom Planetarium is located in the Brinkley Science Center — Building N on campus maps — of Indian River State College’s Massey Campus, 3209 Virginia Ave., Fort Pierce. Of the 19 planetariums in Florida, it is the only one on the Treasure Coast.

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