Market your interests in this Indian River Magazine Best of Medicine Voters’ Choice Contest to thousands of our digital followers and contest participants.

Advertise your business here(Sample Banner Advertisement)

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Get started by picking your package and submitting your contract below. An advertising representative will be with you shortly.

Advertise here(Sample Sidebar Advertisement)

Questions marked by * are required.
Name: *
Email: *
Business Name: *
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Billing Address: *
Billing Zip Code: *
Package: *
  • 970 x 160 Banner ad – $300
  • 300 x 250 Sidebar ad – $150
Would you like Indian River Magazine to create your ad or will your business or ad agency be providing the ad? *
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  • No
I agree to advertise in the quantity checked above and represent that my business will be responsible for payment. I understand that a 20 percent cancellation fee of the cost of the ad will apply if I do not advertise. I also understand that failure to pay for my advertisement within 30 days of billing could result in an 18 percent annual interest rate and payment of collection, court and attorney fees. Most recent relevant ad will be used when good faith efforts to contact advertiser are unsuccessful. * *
  • I agree
Do you currently work with an Indian River Magazine ad representative? If so, who is your representative?

Questions or concerns, call 772.466.3346

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