PSL Medical Report

Code Blue

The ominous sound of a Code Blue alarm sends student nurses flying to a patient’s bedside in the simulated hospital on Indian River State College’s Port St. Lucie campus. They gather around the bed, working swiftly to save the “patient” who is struggling to breathe after a heart attack. 

Fortunately, the figure receiving all this medical attention is a teaching mannequin — controlled by instructors from another room. Brimming with advanced electronics, it can be made to look and respond like a real person in need of a variety of nursing care. Its appearance can be altered to simulate different conditions, including wounds from accidents. 

Thriving with Cancer

When Lisa Tarantino was diagnosed with stage III endometrial cancer, she dove into treatment with a positive mindset, intent on survival. She endured six surgeries accompanied by six months of aggressive chemotherapy. 

Tarantino’s son, C.J., went along, not only for support and company, but also to help with what is called “cold capping.” More than half of all chemo patients lose their hair, but with cold capping, a series of dry ice-cooled caps that cause blood vessels in the scalp to narrow, the amount of harsh chemicals reaching hair follicles is reduced. 

First impressions of Port St. Lucie

 As the name of this column suggests, I am new in town. I moved here in mid-June with my partner and our faithful dog, Bailey. 

So far, we are loving Port St. Lucie. It’s a big change from Broward County, which is where I most recently put down roots. It’s also a far cry from Miami-Dade County, my native territory. The pace of life here is more relaxed, the people are more pleasant and the atmosphere is more “chill.” Though the climate is not...

The thrill of the Thrift

 If you haven’t visited one of Port St. Lucie’s many thrift stores, you’re missing a fantastic opportunity. Not only does thrifting [yes, the act of shopping in thrift stores has been formally recognized with its own verb] save consumers big when it comes to their bank accounts, but shopping at thrift stores allows this over-populated planet to upcycle products and repurpose them so they don’t end up in landfills. It also gives shoppers a feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction...

In Stitches

There wasn’t much to do in Port St. Lucie in 1993. Activities and clubs were scarce in the quickly growing community. So, neighbors Dolores Knight and Lorene Gruber thought it would be worthwhile to start a small group for people who liked to sew and quilt. They invited six other women to meet at Knight’s home to quilt together, on a weekly basis. It only took two meetings before they had to start looking for larger, more permanent quarters at the Port St. Lucie Branch Library...


Sunshine Furniture is second-generation family-owned company in operation since 1991. The winner of the 2012 Apollo Award from the International Casual Furniture Association ward for the best casual furniture store in the country, it is the largest store of its kind on the Treasure Coast...

Firing a New Artistic Future

Cathleen Sullivan’s dream of creating a pottery studio came true. But she made more than that happen; her vision brought the dreams of others to life. 

Treasure Coast Pottery was an immediate hit when it opened in March. Sullivan’s studio attracted an eager group of students — both experienced and inexperienced — who signed up for classes...

Moving Feast

Maria Oquendo was only a year old when her family returned to Puerto Rico to rejoin a legacy begun on that island — generations before she was born in Brooklyn. Little did anyone know all the places that inherited passion would take her. 

“My great-grandfather, on my mother’s side, used to have a huge outdoor oven,” Oquendo says. “People would come by to buy the bread he baked...


Are you dreaming of a more confident, radiant you? Look no further than the Vinyard Institute of Plastic Surgery, a renowned cosmetic plastic surgery practice and full-service medspa located on the picturesque Treasure Coast of Florida in Port St. Lucie...


 Port St. Lucie’s Shafir Lobb has been a woman with many identities. But while she’s changed her name, her address and her career multiple times, her rich life has made her the person she knew she was meant to be: Rabbi Shafir. 

“My parents told me that I announced I was going to be a rabbi when I was 3,” Lobb recalls. “So it was clearly always a passion...


It is only natural that Glenn Camelio has spent the last two years as executive director of the Humane Society of St. Lucie County. Giving back to the community has been a guiding principle since he was a child. 

“Oh, God, my first volunteering I did [as a child] with Boy Scouts, but my first big volunteering was in college. My fraternity adopted a women’s shelter,” he said. “We went to a Catholic charity and asked who could use the most help — where we would make the most impact. The priest [suggested] a women’s shelter. We did work on their building, mentored their kids [and] took them to Disney, to Sea World, had Thanksgiving with them, had Christmas, Easter, Fourth of July, we left them in a much better spot than they were in before...

Our Town

This yellow-crowned night heron stands along the shore of the North Fork of the St. Lucie River at Veterans Park, searching for something to eat. Like its larger cousin, the black-crowned night heron, it is named for its habit of feeding between the evening hours and early mornings. A solitary, and often secretive, bird, the yellow-crowned night heron...

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