Advertise in Port St. Lucie Magazine

Questions marked by * are required.
Your Name: *
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Your email address: *
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Fall (Sept.) 2024 issue only advertisement quantity/size:
  • Quarter page $495
  • Half page $695
  • Full page $1,295
  • Premium page on pages 2-13 $1,395
  • Front Inside cover $1,900
  • Back cover $2,800
Four Issues (Fall 2024 and Winter, Spring, Summer 2025) advertisement quantity/size (per issue rate):
  • Quarter Page $445
  • Half Page $645
  • Full Page $1,095
  • Premium page on pages 2-13 $1,245
  • Front Inside Cover $1,695
  • Back cover $2,400
Would you like us to create your ad or will your business or ad agency be providing the ad?
  • I want Indian River Media to create my ad
  • My business or ad agency will provide the ad
Do you currently work with an Indian River Media ad representative? If so, who is your representative?
I agree to advertise in the Fall (Sept.) 2024 Port St. Lucie Magazine in the quantity I checked above and represent that my business will be responsible for payment. I understand that failure to pay for my advertisement could result in an 18 percent annual interest rate and payment of collection, court and attorney fees. To cover the added expense for credit card processing fees a 3% handling charge will be added to the final invoice when payment by credit card is chosen. *
  • I agree

Questions or concerns, call 772.466.3346

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