Trends In Education
As superintendent, John Millay believes in being an advocate for all students making sure they have equal access to learning.
Newly appointed Martin County superintendent
outlines path for student success
John Millay, Martin County’s new school superintendent,
says he always planned to move to Florida at
some point later in his life. After a 27-year career building
academic success as a teacher, principal and school
superintendent in Kentucky, Millay was ready to make the
move, but not retire. When the position for superintendent
in Martin County opened, the timing and the opportunity
seemed just right.
“I love it here!” he says with enthusiasm. “The community
is vibrant. The people are passionate about education which
sometimes those passions run strong — and that is a good
thing. I would rather see passion for education and values
than the lack thereof. They believe in education, and they
value it, and it’s a beautiful place to live.”
The school board selected Millay after a yearlong search
that involved community-wide participation. He assumed his
role on Nov. 17, succeeding Laurie Gaylord who retired. He is
Martin County’s first appointed superintendent.
Millay enters his office as a veteran in the educational field.
He began teaching special education at the age of 23 and >>