Colorectal cancer screening: No good reason
to put it off.
Everyone knows that colonoscopies are a tool
to detect colorectal cancer – the second leading
cause of cancer-related deaths among men and
the third leading cause among women in the
United States.
Colonoscopy is known as the gold standard – the
best, most accurate test to screen for colorectal
cancer. Since most cancers start as polyps, cancer
can be prevented when polyps are removed during
a colonoscopy.
New preps are easier to swallow.
You may be concerned about unpleasantness and
inconvenience as you prepare for the exam. But it’s
time to stop worrying – continued improvements
in the process have made it easier and less of a
stress. It tastes better, you don’t have to take as
much as you did before, and the timing has also
changed to make it easier for patients.
Concerned about coronavirus?
While the coronavirus is still in our communities
and is still contagious, Cleveland Clinic is among
the safest places in healthcare today.
For your safety and those around you, we have
taken the following steps:
• Limited and screened visitors.
• Continued extensive cleaning.
• Required masks for our caregivers.
We ask that you help us maintain a safe
environment by:
• Practicing social and physical distancing.
• Wearing a mask while in our facilities.
• Washing and sanitizing your hands properly.
As we continue to welcome all patients back for
regular, routine care, we will continue making
your safety a top concern.
To learn more about the steps we’re taking
to keep you safe, go to
To schedule a colonoscopy appointment,
From diagnostics to advanced treatments,
complete care is right here.
Cleveland Clinic Martin Health is open, safe and ready for you.
Caring for Your Colon: Risk Factors,
Diagnosis and Treatment Options
Thursday, March 11 | Noon - 1 p.m.
to register or see a complete list of
HealthMatters programs.
GI care