fill in the missing letter to read it. The cost is $41,000.
Graceful sculptures, eye-catching art on roadside
utility boxes and colorful murals are already in place
around Port St. Lucie and there’s more on the way.
Thousands of motorists a day see the corner towers
of the new Crosstown Parkway. They feature the Indian
River Lagoon in a tile marine scene by famed marine
artist Guy Harvey. The graceful metal seagrass sculptures
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36 Port St. Lucie Magazine
on top were created by American Bronze Foundry,
directed by Charles Wambold. The design was created
by a visualization artist from the design team RS&H.
The tile work for Guy Harvey’s art, by Porcelains Unlimited,
cost $128,827 while the seagrass sculptures cost
$198,647. They were paid out of the Crosstown Parkway
Visitors to city hall can see a mural of the Indian River
Lagoon reflecting big puffy clouds in its waters. It was
painted in 2014 by muralist Shannon Paul Wiley.
Sitting on roadsides, large green utility boxes are
transformed from unattractive metal cabinets to pieces
of art wrapped in transparent film with paintings or
photos of local wildlife, landscapes, and local scenes created
by professional artists, photographers, and students
from county schools. The project began in 2017 and was
so popular that a second phase was undertaken between
then and now. To date, 157 boxes have been wrapped
and can be seen on the side of U.S. 1, Becker Road, and
other main roads. The city has a project tracker available
on its website. >>
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Plain metal utility boxes on roadsides all around the city are being transformed
into works of public art. The artists, both adult and student, and photographers
submit their best work hoping to be chosen to have their art transferred to a clear
film wrap and placed on the box. To date over 1,000 submissions were turned in
and 157 boxes have been wrapped.