The city hosted an appreciation breakfast attended by 245 of the more than
1,038 volunteers earlier this year.
a number of programs, among them Adopt-a-Street. Street
adopters commit to keeping a street or streets clean. The
volunteers can be seen along the roads and grassy areas with
their bright orange shirts, safety vests and long sticks that can
grab even small pieces of litter to drop in a bag or bucket.
Some new volunteers join after talking with people on the
roadside who are picking up litter. Others see the Adopt-a-
Street road signs, each with the team name responsible for
the area on the bottom of the sign.
“It was the road signs for me,” Amber Blizzard says.
“Growing up I always wanted to do more for the area I live
in. I talked to my husband first and he said yes, so I went
to the city’s website and filled out an application and they
called me.” >>
Michelle Severe and her son enjoy a little artwork at the breakfast. She and
her husband, Rubens, and children pick up along Faye Street while teaching
their children the value of keeping litter off the streets.
Port St. Lucie Magazine 23