Age: 28
Lives in: Port St. Lucie
Occupation: Activities Director/
recreational therapist at
Port St. Lucie Rehabilitation
and Healthcare
Family: Husband, Ruben
Thelusma; daughter, Faeyana
Education: Bachelor’s degree in recreational therapy
from Florida International University in Miami
Hobbies: Shopping, reading
Who inspires me: “My mother, friends — hard-working
people in general, who are living up to their potentials.”
Something most people don’t know about me: “I’ve always
thought I would enjoy being a pilot.”
in-house, at least for the time being.
During the summer, several residents tested positive and
were moved to a COVID-specific hall, but everyone was affected
with policy changes, personal protection equipment,
sanitizing and screenings. Without visitors, the facility has
tried to keep lines of communication open.
“The administration provides updates,” Jeanty says, “and
family can call any time with questions. We also encourage
video calls.”
Jeanty says the staff realizes the responsibility of leaving
a facility on shutdown every day to go home to their own
“But I’ve always been a glass half-full girl,” she says. “I
don’t let all the negative affect my mental state.”
Born in Haiti, Jeanty moved to the area as an infant.
“My mother’s mother died when she was young, leaving
her the caregiver for 12 siblings,” Jeanty explains. “She
wanted a better life. She couldn’t read or write or get a good
Faland and Ruben’s
daughter, Faeyana
did well with
online schooling,
but is looking
forward to seeing
her friends again at
Somerset Academy
in Port St. Lucie.
job, but she always worked hard to provide, always did her
best. I think I get my positive attitude from her.”
Active in soccer and softball at Fort Pierce Central, Jeanty
planned to go into healthcare, but faced her own challenges.
Two weeks before graduation, she gave birth to her daughter.
“I walked across the stage to get my diploma, though,”
she says.
Persevering, with help from her parents, she earned an
associate degree at Indian River State College. In Miami, she
studied to become an occupational therapist, but migrated to
recreational therapy.
“I love working with geriatric patients,” Jeanty says.
Not everyone is ready for assisted living or skilled nursing
but she believes they could still benefit from recreational therapy.
Her company, Recreation Rehabilitation Services LLC,
provides in-home help in the evenings and on weekends.
Eventually, she’d like to expand with additional employees
and services.
Jeanty’s husband, Ruben, repairs boats, a physically tiring
occupation. Jeanty’s mother helps with childcare, but it was
up to Jeanty to make sure homework was done when schools
shut down. Faeyana, 10, approached virtual schooling with
optimism, but soon missed friends.
“It’s a difficult time to grow up,” Jeanty says. “Kids don’t
always know how to communicate. I check in with her often.”
Perspective is everything, of course. COVID-19 hasn’t been
the family’s biggest challenge. In 2015, Jeanty’s parents and
daughter were in a fatal van crash while traveling between a
church convention and home. Eight of the 18 on board died,
including Jeanty’s father. Reality was devastating enough
without the realization of other possibilities.
“I could’ve lost my father, mother, daughter and uncle all
at once,” she says.
Jeanty was going to school and working at the time, but
took family medical leave to care for her injured mother and
“They were fortunate,” she says, “but my mother still prays
before every car trip, after every car trip, and during every
car trip.”
Recently, Jeanty planned a Hawaii Week for the residents,
complete with a socially distant luau, decorations and food –
anything to keep smiles on those faces.
“Our oldest, at 102, is COVID-free. We’ve had patients beat
it. They’ve been through so much. They know so much. I love
working with them.” E
40 Port St. Lucie Magazine
Jeanty and other staff members continue to provide the best experience and
care for patients while dealing with a pandemic.