Lynch called animal control. Soon the puppy was removed
for its own safety.
Dogs will be dogs, but it is owners and the public who
may be fined or injured. Dog bites and attacks can be traumatic,
even fatal. Bite reports must be filed; the dog must be
quarantined. A special license may be required for a dog with
a history of unprovoked, aggressive behavior. But note the
wording — teasing an animal is also against the law.
According to Maria Valencia, St. Lucie County’s animal
safety coordinator, there’ve been no calls regarding organized
dog fights since she’s been here, but that doesn’t mean they
don’t exist.
“Ordinarily you’d see a large amount of dogs, primarily
pit bulls, tethered and sheltered on overgrown or abandoned
property. The animals would also have injuries about the
face, neck and legs.”
Call 911 for animal-related emergencies and 772. 871.5042
to file a lost or found animal report. Animal control doesn’t
handle wildlife complaints and sightings, deceased wildlife
in roadways or pest control problems on private property, but
Lloyd says residents may call with questions so they can be
connected with the proper agencies.
A strong partnership between the city and the Humane
Society of St. Lucie County has helped the shelter reach a nokill
Lloyd says, “We’ve increased our return to owner rate to
over 70 percent.” Port St. Lucie also partners with Operation
SOS to provide free spay and neuter services for pet owners
residing within city limits.
Bill Snyder rescued Duke, a Westie mix, just a week before this photo was
taken. Duke was welcomed to the park by Fergie, a recent transplant from
Canada owned by Jing Zhang.
Whether you fall in love with a pound puppy or purchase
one with a pedigree, owning a dog represents what may be a
20-year commitment — at an annual cost of $1,000 to $4,000.
On the plus side, dog owners can reap personal benefits.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
“the bond between people and their pets may increase fitness,
lower stress and bring happiness to their owners.”
If you have the time and resources, owning a dog can provide
companionship, security and fun. Owning a dog in Port
St. Lucie? Even better. E
Shadow and Hoonah enjoy
a romp in one of the three
spacious fenced-in areas at
McChesney Dog Park, located
off Cashmere Boulevard.
Port St. Lucie Magazine 27