Trumpet Flowers, an interactive light and sound piece of art installed at the MIDFLORIDA Event Center in December and January played different musical instrument sounds based on the button a person hit while walking through them. Every few minutes, all of the flowers lit up and a jazz song emanated from the sculpture, on loan from Amigo & Amigo in Australia as part of the city’s Art in Public Places initiative funded by developers and grants. RUSTY DURHAM
New public art enhances local arts scene
Artist Kirk Seese came to the Port St. Lucie Botanical Gardens to install his Feathers Three. It will be there on loan for two years. RUSTY DURHAM PHOTOS
Port St. Lucie boasts two vibrant new pieces of public art: one at city hall and the other at the botanical gardens. Along with more than 28 graceful and colorful pieces installed in previous years, they help foster a sense of community and a shared place.