Reach more patrons — List your Restaurant, Bar, Brewery or Winery is promoted through our weekly e-newsletters (8,000+ subscribers) and on our social media channels (20,600+ followers) — Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Reach thousands of residents and visitors seeking options for dining out.

• List your hours/specials/offers   •   Update your listing/photos as often as you want   •   Link to your website/social media/menu

Restaurant Directory Rates
Questions marked by * are required.
Name of Business: *
Billing Street Address: *
City/State/Zipcode: *
Advertiser’s Category (upon approval of publisher):

  • Breweries
  • Restaurants/Bars
  • Wine Bar
  • Winery
Name of person handling ads:
Phone # of person handling ads:
E-mail of person handling ads: *
Listing type:

  • 3 month Listing $99*
  • 6 month Listing $175*
  • Annual Listing $345*
300x250 Sidebar Ad

  • 3 month: $225
  • 6 month: $445
  • 12 month: $790
970x135 Banner Slider Ad

  • 3 month: $345
  • 6 month: $675
  • 12 month: $1,295
I agree to become a digital advertiser. Formatting restrictions apply to all advertising. All copy subject to editing for accuracy, grammar and style. Payment must be received prior to any digital advertising. I agree to advertise in the quantity checked above and represent that my business will be responsible for payment. Advertiser provides photo(s)/video. I understand that an early cancellation of any digital advertisement does not qualify for a refund. *

  • I agree
Do you currently work with an Indian River Magazine ad representative? If so, who is your representative?
Ad Design:

  • My company or ad agency will design my ads.
  • I want Indian River Magazine to design my ads for free.
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