Credit Card Authorization Form

Please fill out the form below.

* We cannot process your payment without security code and expiration date. *

If you prefer to provide your credit card information by phone, contact your advertising representative or call our office at 772.466.3346.

Questions marked by * are required.
I authorize Indian River Media Group Inc. to charge my credit card the amount of $ (per insertion for the length of the signed contract): *
  • I agree
Method of Payment: *
  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • American Express
Credit Card Number: *
Expiration date (Month/Year): *
3-digit security code (back of card, right of signature):
4-digit security code on front of American Express:
Your Name: *
Email Address: *
Company Name: *
Billing Address (address where statements are received): *
City: *
State: *
Zip code: *
Phone Number:

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and submit by fax

To contact our office directly, please call 772.466.3346

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